
On Language

Language, the very thing that helps to us communicate. Some even call it alive, which I certainly agree.

Usage of language is crucial, the way one speaks can attract or repulse certain individuals. It can also point out one's personality or even the level of intelligence. It can give clues about social position, culture. Which is quite impressive because if you are a little analytic towards people, just by speaking to them you can get vast amounts of information about them. On vocabular basis; the more sophisticated the persona, the more sophisticated the language. Ofcourse the richness of words does not conclude this argument, they way one speaks is a crucial point too, after all speech is one of the most powerful forms of language.

However, language exists in an even more critical point, in our minds.

And just like Lacan, I too think language strongly effects the way we think, reckon, judge, cogitate or contemplate. Try thinking without words, if you can't (which is obvious), try to decrease it to a more primitive level, you can name objects 'this' and 'that', you can store their image in your memory and recall them by the way they look, but that only works to some point.
You can only think and reckon about the material and the concrete without the language, to go beyond that, which is the abstract, you need language to form your thoughts.
I don't think we are that different from the rest of the animals but, advanced form of language is the thing that separetes us from all of the other animals.

Although, there is one thing I do not understand completely and that is people whining about degeneration of their language. How the youth pollutes their language or how the minority dishonours it etc. As I mentioned before language is concept which is pretty much considered alive. Because is changes over time, even may become completely different than the way it was. Language too, just like organisms, evolves. And that change, that evolution can't and shouldn't be judged. We don't see animals complaining about the way they became, giraffes whining about their long necks or a platypus protesting it's awkwardness. But then again the discontent about the usage of language is a reality. And it's a reality because of the speed of change increased drastically in recent years.

But, if one has to judge this reality, and needs to point a finger to blame the other, one also has to be aware of it's the fault of previous, current generations. Ergo 'everyone's fault.

On Manipulation of Our Nature (Intro)

We, humans or people, born in to different environments, habitats, societies and cultures and adapt to them. It's all about adaptation when it comes to the basics of life and survival. We adapt, and we adapt faster any creature on earth. We can now survive and live almost anywhere on the face of this planet. Regardless of the climate or other enviromental means.

But, an Eskimo in Kalahari Desert sure will have a hard time to adapt there, and even may not survive. Bushmen on the other hand, residents of the desert Kalahari is living and had lived for thousands of years. Both the Eskimo and the Bushmen have adapted to the extremes and survived successfuly.

However, if we are to investigate the social aspects of adaptation the process is much more different. First of all it's much more faster, if an Eskimo couple moves to New York, they'll sure have a hard time adapting such culture and social environment. But their child on the other hand, adapts quickly and becomes a New Yorker in no time. And we don't have to give extreme examples like Eskimo's. The Chineese minority in U.S is still a good example, so are the adaptation problems of the teenagers in high-school etc.

So we can say that we adapt to the conditions we were borned in to, accept them as the reality and move on. That is how easy it is for us to change and take shape, from birth.

What kind of environment we born into? And what does all this have to do with Manipulation of Our Nature?