
A Small Step: Deconstruction of the concept 'Leader' (2)

After some critical thinking, I noticed it's mostly the fear of responsibility that creates the need of leaders. Carl Jung too studied the types of personalities, and it is quite obvious most of these types rather follow a conventional way to do their jobs/errands/projects generally. Rather than experimenting new ways or to try and see different aspects of different situations.

People who rather follow the methods they've got used to, are mostly the ones who choose following over leading too, so it's not so hard to see that they are relative facts. Leading and originality are more then parallel, because in the end, leading too means walking paths that has been never ever been walked before (in a way).

Although I do think people never completely comprehend the goals and the vision of their leaders most of the time, they choose to follow them, because it is the best option they have. They care only about their own benefits (human nature, can't blame them) and they care only a little about the consequences of following such leader. Such as their unawareness about the leader's source of power; just like Samson gets his power from his hair, leaders get their power from their followers (numbers), and so if you eliminate that factor, no matter how strong the individual may be, individual will become utterly nothing in the eyes of the society.

As Montaigne too explains, most of the society can't burden theirselves with the responsibility of the others or others lives. Therefore it's only natural for a society contain few number of leaders, and even fewer number of them are (any) 'good'.

However, I think people who have such skill (Leading) care little about their responsibility to the others. They care, and they are responsible, but not in the exact way the followers think so. Ofcourse leaders care about their followers, ofcourse the state cares about the people/nation/community. But there are limits.

Such limits causing leaders to become aware of their need of followers, in order to sustain or increase power they have to make do everything in their power. But there are facts crossing those facts too. Such as greater good. In order to achieve the greater good, sacrifaces has to be made, sacrifaces can end up with a huge loss of influence. But when done properly, recovery is easy. In the end, if I have to quote myself, "Society: They care only about their own benefits (human nature, can't blame them) and they care only a little about the consequences of following such leader."

So, as long as you give them what they want, and we all know they are after superficial benefits, they'll start loving you again, no matter how you offended them, they'll start giving you the power you need to do your bidding as you like again.

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