
Advanced Civilization's Effects on Human Species

First few diagrams to support the oncoming discussion;

(source: Wikipedia)

Although I think with one look to the diagrams, any rational human being can comprehend the problem immediately, I wish to spare a few words on this certain matter;

  • We're overpopulating. (Like rabbits)
  • We're keeping people alive. (Like zombies)
Not only medical advancement, but advancements in general is the cause of that. The natural habitat surrrounding us are now buildings, pavements, roads etc. We have some patches of green stuff (trees and grass), in major cities to create the illusion of "It's not all grey! There are some green stuff too!" but then again, majority are not the latter but the former.

We have evolved from scavenger societies to hunter-gatherer societies, after that we evolved a bit more, and after that we started to make tools the era I call 'Crazy Shit' took start. (Which is still present, going to outer space? to moon? bionic arms? Who'd have thought?)

With the Crazy Shit era, we started to isolate ourselves from the nature. With that I think we somehow altered the natural selection. How ;

  • No more predators to consume us.
  • No more basic diseases to die from. (2000 B.C people died from a basic flu. Now we don't. That's why they1 came up with the idea of AIDS and Cancer.)
  • Increase in average human life span. (From 33 to 82 (33 is still the average somewhere in Africa))
  • Even a critical disease finds you, they still put you in a hospital and make you suffer or live a little longer.
  • No more need to hunt, it's all an automated sequence.
  • No more need for basic survival. (it's replaced with economical survival though)

So basically and in short, there's nothing to kill us. And not only that, death from natural causes are obstructed too. And we're still reproducing like there is no tommorow, regardless those facts. Don't get me wrong, reproduction is one of the major reasons to exist, when thought primitively.

That concludes the interpretation part I guess, now for the criticizing of the topic;

Andropause and menapause. Defined basically as 'the shutting down of reproduction systems', accompanied with a collapse of psychology. Reasons are obvious, you shouldn't have lived that long in the first place, you have evolved to stay alive under various conditions, conditions that are not present now. You should've been dead by that age. But you're not, why?

Because with the beginning of the Crazy Shit era, human species advanced so fast (not biologically but technologically), they altered natural selection and the system of evolution couldn't keep up with the pace.

Therefore; the concept of "WORLD IS COMING TO AN END" is non-sense, the planet itself can (take care of itself) regenerate via freezing and un-freezing every once in a while. 3 major ice-ages are recorded in the history of earth, all of them occured after a global warmth. So in exchange of that super-speed advancement, our planet is going to freeze our asses.2

1: Some force against us.
2: Super-Speed advancement and still no colonies on other planets to save our ass when the planet freezes. I guess we weren't so fast afterall.

On Meaning of/or in Life

Meaning of life is a long and widely debated topic, however I'm not going to discuss it under Absurdist or Nihilist perceptions, or any likes of them.

All human species create or seek purposes and meanings for their lives, which is perfectly understandable since they come to life without having any sense of it. One might even say
human birth is a quite insignificant way to come to life, if ofcourse, you're the one that comes to life in that particular birth. (I certainly think birth is a perfect example in this matter)

Basically, unless you're the one giving the birth, there is nothing special about it. Giving birth to someone on the other hand, is generally a milestone in human life, and even may be a goal in their lives to achieve
, which almost makes it a meaning of life. (if not only a part of it)

But then again, achieved goals are generally replaced with new ones. Even though that one particular goal was a big part of their lives, they recognize it only for a while, and when the other goal becomes more and more concrete, the previous one becomes more and more abstract.

Let's stop here for a second;

So one might say, the ones who are following the code of so called Carpe Diem, are the ones who are living the present, and therefore the most concrete part of their space-time contiuum.

And one might also say that the past's concreteness/abstractness can be in various amounts differing from one to the other. (Hence the expression: Living in the past)

Although I believe as people get old (60+) generally their past becomes more concrete then the present. That's a completely different topic which I'll discuss later on...

So, I presented the reader with an illustration. And as you can see the value of concreteness is full in the present, variable in the past, and null in the future.

I think I must add; the so-called 'future plans' of humans (which you might think that it could be effective on the concreteness of the future) are in fact abstract and most of the time protects it's capricious nature. (long awaited promotions and huge plans of success are failing people as life goes on)

So, stuck in the present, humans desperately seek for a/the meaning in/of life. Completely unaware of the fact that what they experienced before present is actually forming a great part of the meaning they are looking for. (Depending on age and life-span)

And since most of them don't know when they are going to die, which ends the sequence of life (or perhaps only the future and maybe the present), and therefore abstractness of it, they never really know how much of that meaning they managed to unfold.

So the exact moment the sequence ends, the sequence called life, they're at last free of abstractness of the future in their sequence, there is still a great amount of abstractness in their past, not to mention the end of the sequence pretty much makes the search for it's meaning absurd.

Which prooves that the meaning of the life sequence is actually capricious, always changing, never becoming stable. Even with the end of it, which stops the sequence and makes it stable, there is still a vast amount of abstractness in it. Eventually making the sequence only as concrete as a dream.